Back from the Pacific Northwest

I am back—after eleven days in the gorgeous Pacific Northwest.  First, I spent four days in Seattle with my dear friends from college.  About ten years ago we decided that we would schedule a reunion every other year some place in the country—either where one of us lives or on neutral grounds.  We have been to Chicago, Boston, Boulder, and now Seattle. I’d never been to Seattle before, and in between lots and lots of talking, somehow we managed to see the sights.

Then Harvey flew out and together we saw a bit more of Seattle and then drove north to Vancouver for a few days. Both Seattle and Vancouver are such beautiful cities with water and mountains everywhere, and both cities take advantage of their natural beauty with long walks along the water. Vancouver has a bike path that circles almost the entire city and a huge park that we biked around. And we walked and walked everywhere, never moving our car in either city, except to arrive and to leave.

Seattle skyline

Seattle harbor at sunset

Snoqualmie Falls



Friends on the bike path

Vancouver skyline

Totem poles in Stanley Park, Vancouver

Returning from Vancouver we spent two days on Orcas Island off the coast of Washington.  It was like stepping back into a past world.  Although there are modern amenities and a small town with some shops and restaurants, for the most part the land feels pristine, almost the way it might have looked a hundred years ago. We hiked a little, drove up Mt Constitution, ate wonderful meals overlooking the water, and enjoyed the slower pace after visiting two major cities.

Orcas Island (view from our inn)

View from the summit of Mt Constitution, Orcas Island

Hiking to Obstruction Pass

View in Eastsound, Orcas Island

And now we are home, dealing with dirty laundry, jet lag, and a return to “reality.” This trip had no genealogical purpose—just valuable time with friends and with each other and a chance to see places we’d never seen before.  I will return to regularly scheduled programming next week and meanwhile will also try and catch up with all the blogs I follow and have missed in the last two weeks or so.

18 thoughts on “Back from the Pacific Northwest

  1. What a wonderful journey exploring the Pacific Northwest, Amy! As you know I am very familiar with this wonderful region, in which I have been living for the past 40 years. Your photos express your enthusiasm and joy of experiencing its great beauty. Nice that you were able to get a glimpse of Vancouver too. Have a great weekend, Amy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Amy, your photo’s of the area’s you holidayed in are perfect. It’s so good to catch up with old friends. I have not heard of Snoqualmie Falls before. The geography of it looks like a hotel near the edge of The Falls. Did you see any bears on your travels?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nope, no bears. But deer and ducks and geese and eagles and other birds. There’s no hotel there, but there is a lodge with a restaurant where we ate lunch—it was lovely!


    • Thanks, Sharon—I have over 200 and just picked a few representative shots. My only regret is that I did not have enough time to see you and several other genealogy blogging folks as well as two cousins and an old camp friend who live in the area. But you can’t do everything in a short trip!

      Liked by 1 person

      • You picked some great shots. That would have been something if we had the chance to meet but I totally get it…I have been in that boat so to speak many times when traveling…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for understanding—maybe another time or another place. Perhaps you will have to come to NYC to see where all your ancestors lived.


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